Frequently asked questions
Do I need a TLS/SSL certificate?
Yes. You will need to contact your hosting provider to enable a TLS/SSL certificate before adding Amazon Pay to your site.
What are the fees for Amazon Pay?
For pricing details, see Amazon Pay Fees.
Will I receive an email when an order is placed using Amazon Pay?
Amazon does not send you an email, but you can set one up through WooCommerce. This can be enabled in the WordPress admin page under WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > New Order.
Where can I find payments that were processed by Amazon Pay?
You can confirm the payments that you have captured in your Seller Central account balance. After signing in to your Seller Central account, be sure to select Amazon Pay (Production View) via the Marketplace Switcher drop-down list at the top of the page. Your account balance is shown on the right.
You can find more details on the Reports > Payments > Statement View page, which shows the summary of payments that will be settled to your account. Additional information regarding orders that were placed using Amazon Pay is available on Seller Central on the Orders page.
How do I get assistance with my account setup?
You can use the Contact Seller Support link located at the bottom of every page in your Seller Central account to get 24x7 support.
What is the difference between Authorize, and Authorize and Capture?
Authorize will authorize the order when it is placed, but it will not capture the order until is has been marked as shipped within WooCommerce. Authorize and Capture captures the order as well as authorizing it when the order is placed.
How can I realign the Amazon Pay button on my checkout page?
If you are comfortable editing CSS, you can edit the custom.css file in your theme. You can access the editor in the Wordpress Admin under Appearance > Editor. Choose the active theme under Select Theme Dropdown on the upper right, and then select custom.css at the bottom of the list on the right.
You will see something like this in the editor:
Add your custom styles in this file instead of style.css so it
is easier to update the theme. Simply copy an existing style
from style.css to this file, and modify it to your liking.
You can use the following div IDs to apply styles:
Add your custom styles in this file instead of style.css so it
is easier to update the theme. Simply copy an existing style
from style.css to this file, and modify it to your liking.
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