This page has moved to a About Amazon Pay for Magento.
Common searches: registration, documentation, and what should I do?
Customer help
Getting started with Amazon Pay
Paying for goods and services
Managing your Amazon account for Amazon Pay
Managing your orders and transactions
Authorizing automatic payments
- Customer Agreement and policies
Privacy and security
Merchant help
Amazon Pay registration
Creating and managing your account
- Completing the tax interview in Seller Central
- Verify your identitiy
- Acceptable Use Policy Review
- Using Seller Central
- Editing your business profile
- Adding and managing a bank account
- Adding and managing credit cards
- Account user permissions
- Managing passwords and using two-step verification
- Your merchant performance
- Closing your Amazon Payments merchant account
- Amazon Pay fees for charitable organizations
- Multi-site best practices
- Amazon Pay fees
Getting paid
- Accessing funds in Seller Central
- Amazon Pay reserve policy
- Settlement reports
- Generating a date range report
- Obtaining transaction and settlement reports on Seller Central
- Reconciling your transaction records with the Amazon Pay settlement report
- Settlement report reconciliation procedure for Shopify merchants
- Amazon Pay reporting term definitions
- Amazon Pay donation reports
Resolving disputes
Technical resources
- Customer Agreement and policies
- Merchant FAQ
Ecommerce plugins
- 3dcart
- BigCommerce
- PrestaShop
- Magento
- Shopify
- ShopSite
- Volusion
- WooCommerce
Contact us
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