What do world-class outdoor sporting activities have in common with Purple Heart recipients? The Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation (WWIA) provides a variety of outdoor activities to veterans who have received the Purple Heart. From turkey hunts to fishing for bass and halibut, the organization promotes healing through camaraderie and recreational events.
Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) John J. McDaniel founded WWIA in 2007 in Apollo Beach, Florida. McDaniel felt that his service to the nation was not yet finished so he began taking a few wounded warriors on hunting and fishing trips. The number of veterans and trips grew, and in 2009, the WWIA was granted nonprofit status. It’s been changing the lives of American Heroes and sportsmen and women across the country ever since.
The outdoor events—some last a few days and others up to a week—definitely make a positive impact. According to one veteran, “This is truly a life-changing experience you guys afforded me and the opportunity to come back together with my brothers-in-arms. Allowing me to once again feel that missing bond.”
WWIA serves more than 200 Purple Heart recipients each year in more than 50 events across North America.
Wounded Warriors in Action also sponsors recreational activities at Camp Hackett in northern Wisconsin. At the camp, veterans experience all-expense-paid trophy whitetail bow hunts as well as guided ruffed grouse, waterfowl, and turkey hunts plus fishing. According to WWIA, “We have seen measurable success in improving the lives of combat-wounded veterans through therapeutic recreational activities at Camp Hackett.”
There’s a new, easy way to give to WWIA with Alexa Donations. Users who have Alexa-enabled devices can donate to charities using just their voice. For example, asking Alexa to make a charity donation to a specific nonprofit is a quick way to use Amazon Pay and the credentials stored in your Amazon account to donate.
To help honor and heal Purple Heart recipients, ask,
Alexa, make a donation to Wounded Warriors in Action.
Those who return home injured from battle may suffer from isolation, PTSD, and disabilities. You can honor these Heroes by donating to WWIA through Alexa Donations—and help heal Purple Heart recipients using the power of the great outdoors.
At Amazon, we’re committed to making donations for nonprofits as easy as talking, and we are already working with more than 180 organizations to offer Alexa Donations. To learn more about the Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation, visit their website.
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iWwiaf.org, Wounded Warriors in Action history, 2018