Tip #1: Use the Amazon Pay optimized button
Merchants using Amazon Pay’s standard button saw an estimated ~4% sales lift versus using a customized button. This sales lift is the result of an A/B test where we saw a 4.5% click rate delta in the US[1]. While custom buttons can match your site’s look and feel, using our standard button and its set of configurable parameters can resonate more with customers as it’s a familiar payment solution. For more information see our integration guide.

Tip #2: Minimize the steps required in the checkout flow
The more steps your checkout has, the more likely a buyer is to abandon a purchase. Minimize the required actions a user must take to ensure a speedy checkout.

Tip #3: Emphasize the simplest path in checkout
Buttons are there to make your customer’s life easier, so place a call-to-action button in the flow, or direct path, of your customers. For example, you could consider including the Amazon Pay button in your mini-cart, using either a side view or top view.

Top #4: Place checkout elements above the fold
According to industry research, elements above the fold and directly underneath were viewed 74% more than further down the page[2]. Ensure the Amazon Pay button is above the fold in order to better optimize the checkout experience.
To mitigate confusion and reduce lost orders during the last step of checkout, include a second ‘Place Order’ button near the top of the screen, above the order review step. This is especially important when optimizing your customers’ mobile experience. According to a usability study from Baymard Institute, 11.6% of users misinterpreted a review step as a confirmation step, resulting in unwittingly abandoned shopping carts[3].

Tip #5: Condense the order review to one page
18% of customers abandon orders because they are not able to see the total order cost upfront before initiating checkout[4]. For your customer’s clarity, make sure all the order information is available on one page. After the buyer selects their preferred shipping address and payment instrument, update your checkout experience by redirecting them to a single “Order Review” page, outlining read-only shipping address or payment method, item details, and itemized total.