
6 ways to optimize for mobile

Raise your small businesses mobile shopping game with the help of a few tips.

Mobile accounted for rougly 68% of digital traffic on Small Business Saturday last year1. While there is quite a bit of time before the peak retail season hits, now is the time to incorporate site changes into your road map to optimize for mobile shoppers now and during the high traffic holidays. Utilizing industry insights and our merchants’ success stories, we’ve outlined some key mobile tips to help you optimize to drive incremental sales.

Design for fingers

On average, shoppers spent $63 on smartphones for every $80 spent on desktop per transaction last year - a seven percent year-over-year increase². For many retailers, it’s no longer an opportunity but a requirement to optimize for touch screen—designing navigation with flicks, thumb driven call-to-actions, and product images that zoom. Mobile users prefer to view and touch the center of the screen as they are browsing. When thinking through the mobile experience, always place the primary content at the center of the screen, with secondary actions along the top and bottom edges³.

Prioritize your social strategy

Mobile users are spending more time on social media than any other digital channel. That time is translating to greater traffic for websites, with smartphone traffic from social media nearly doubling the combined sum of computer and tablet traffic globally⁴. Figure out where your audience is (Facebook, LinkedIn, SnapChat) when they are online, and what types of content resonates so you can activate a social commerce experience or social marketing strategy to funnel more traffic to your site.

Visualize the checkout process

Keep your customers motivated by including a progress bar with checkout steps displayed. Shoppers may be less likely to abandon the process if they know where they are in the buying process⁵. As you integrate the progress indicator into your mobile checkout, consider accenting the active steps with color, greying out inactive steps so shoppers can see where they are in the process at a glance⁶.

Download the full tip sheet for more ways to improve your mobile shopping experience.

1 Global Mobile Consumer Survey, Deloitte, 2017.
2 Mobile Shopping Focus Report, Demandware, 2017.
3 Mobile Matters: Design for Fingers, Touch and People, UX Matters, 2017.
4 Mobile Shopping Focus Report, Demandware, 2017.
5 E-commerce Checkout Usability, Baymard, 2018.
6 E-commerce Checkout Progress Indicators, eConsultancy, 2016.