AmazonPay FAQ


No, you cannot use only Sign-In. You need to use payment info.

No. Please integrate the button according to the integration guide. If you replace or hide it, we may suspend your seller account.


Add the Amazon Pay Button

Add the Amazon Pay Button(Recurring)

Amazon Pay Script

You can get the following buyer information.





It is not possible to create a test account with no payment method, as the test account will have fixed payment methods for the test. If you want to test a case where there are no payment methods, you need to do it in the production environment, not in SANDBOX.

You can specify shipping address restrictions using the DeliveryRestrictions - AddressRestrictions parameter when the button renders to prevent buyers from selecting unsupported addresses from Amazon's shipping address list.

  • Do not allow the use of addresses with incorrect names of prefectures
  • Restrict foreign addresses and some prefectures (specified country codes and parts of US are not allowed)
  • Restrict specific postal codes

For more information, please see Integration Guide Sample and FAQ I'd like to know the Payload sample for the Amazon Pay button..

Alt text

Also, “except” to exclude conditions, any string of any length “*”, any single character “?” Wildcards can also be used.

When US address only allowed

    "webCheckoutDetails": {
        "checkoutReviewReturnUrl": ""
    "storeId": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.c48db267f2d44b6bbe2f65aadee22ea6",
    "deliverySpecifications": {
        "addressRestrictions": {
            "type": "Allowed",
            "restrictions": {
                "US": {

When postal codes starting with 123- are allowed

“deliveryDelivery”: {
 “address”: {
 “type”: “Allowed”,
 “”: {
 “US”: {
 “”: [\"123-*\"]

Delivery Address Restriction Sample

Checkout Session

Asynchronous authorizations can reduce the declined rate compared to synchronous authorizations. We recommend asynchronous authorization for high-price orders.


Manage asynchronous processing

Sandbox test buyer accounts are pre-configured with simulated payment methods. Please refer to below for specific payment methods. These test buyer accounts are not available in production. Using simulated payment methods

In Sandbox, you can test errors by setting API request parameter to simulation strings. Please refer to below for specific simulation strings. Using simulation strings

You can only get ClosureReason/CancellationReason with Get Charge Permission/Get Charge API. These values are not displayed in Buyer mail and Seller Central, etc.


Close Charge Permission

Cancel Charge

The authorization obtained at the time of ordering is valid for 30 days. After that, capture can be processed from the order creation date to 180 days (re-authorization is processed at the same time). However, the validity of the buyer's credit card may change during this period, so it is recommended to capture as soon as possible.

Please noted that capture cannot be processed for orders that exceed 180 days, so please take measures such as making a request from seller to ask buyer reorder.

The expiration date of the authorization obtained at the time of ordering is 30 days, and after this the authorization will be in the "Closed" state. It takes several hours to switch state from "Open" to "Closed" when it exceeds 30 days. At this time, even if it is "Open" in Seller Central , it may actually be "Closed" in our system. Please wait for a while, and when it becomes "Closed", please process capture again.

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