
We want to hear from you

Looking for a way to share your experience using Amazon Pay? Be our guest.

At Amazon, we are always looking for ways to keep the voice of our customers at the center of our decision making. We revel in learning about delightful experiences, candid issues, and ways we can continue to innovate on behalf of our customers.

We recently launched an updated profile on G2Crowd.com, a peer to peer review site where people leave unbiased reviews about products they’ve used. G2 Crowd’s founders created the site with the ethos of replacing a single subject matter expert’s voice with the voices of thousands, relying on the crowd to cast its opinion on the reality of using B2B software.

We’d welcome your opinion as part of the Amazon Pay crowd. Note feedback is hosted by G2Crowd.com and subject to their privacy policy.

We’re all busy, and we often get sidetracked by the idea that it takes too much time to write a review. The good news is, according to G2Crowd, an average-length review only takes about 4 minutes1, and it’s a nice way to share your experiences with others.


Recently we were recognized by G2Crowd.com as a leader in the payments industry for the fourth quarter in a row. While we acknowledge and appreciate those that have already provided unsolicited feedback, we’d also love to hear from you.

Review us on G2Crowd today.

1G2Crowd.com, 4 steps to write a review in 4 minutes, 2015